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OUR positive impact

Driving sustainable change

In today’s world, environmental and social concerns redefine competition. We aim to help our clients address their most strategic issues and quickly create a competitive advantage while prioritizing projects that benefit society and the environment.

Together, let’s build a brighter future!

Our sustainability strategy


Business with positive impact

We prepare our clients for key challenges they’ll face in the next five to ten years by equipping them to transform — through innovation, process deployment, monitoring, and internal incentives.



Internally, we empower everyone by embedding sustainability principles and practices across functions — so we can all work in unison as we transform.


ESG excellence

We cover the full spectrum of ESG best practices and initiatives worldwide — from decarbonization to responsible AI, regulatory compliance, BCorp certification, and other similar initiatives.

OUR impact

Business with positive impact

At Ekimetrics, we’re proactive in increasing our global sustainable impact through:

  • Contributing to the community with Climate Q&A, our publicly available AI tool that answers thousands of questions about environmental issues using detailed, reliable sources.
  • Deploying Radians, our data science platform that enables clients to deploy frugal real AI and data products in record time.
  • Engaging with think tanks and partnerships and joining forces to tackle the sustainability challenge: Microsoft, French Chambers, Datacraft, etc.
  • “Sustainabilizing” our assets and breaking the sustainability silo by embedding sustainability in all our offers.
of our clients’ projects are monitored for their cloud carbon footprint with our in-house carbon dashboard
increase year-over-year in our AI for Sustainability offering (2023)
of our proposals include a sustainability component
of our workforce is trained on climate change and related socio-environmental challenges

Responsible use of AI

With the rise of generative AI, responsible AI is no longer a nice-to-have. The democratization of AI has benefits but also carries significant risks that require precise implementation, closer monitoring, and equal rights protection to maintain control of business intent.

In 2022, we formed a seven-person team dedicated to documenting responsible AI best practices, such as frugality, bias mitigation, privacy, inclusivity, and explainability.

ESG excellence

ESG Excellence

We aim to become a global leader and role model in sustainability solutions. We’re setting the example for our team by “walking our talk.”

We achieved a GOLD rating from EcoVadis, a third-party, independent, documentation-based review. Our score of 77/100 puts us in the top 2% of suppliers worldwide.

The Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are integral to our business strategy, operations, and organizational structure — making social and environmental impact an indelible part of our business framework.

EcoVadis GOLD

In May 2024, we were awarded the prestigious GOLD medal by EcoVadis, reaching the top 2% of globally rated companies.


Our SBTi targets were validated in October 2023.


We publish our data on the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), including details on emissions, how we monitor them, and our specific plans to reduce our footprint. In 2023, we scored a B- rating for CDP Climate Change.


Issued by Labelia Labs, an independent association that fosters the development of trustworthy data science ecosystems, we were awarded the “Labelia – Responsible and Trustworthy AI” certificate, Advanced level, on May 25, 2023.


We attained “Excellent” scores in all three categories (Environment: 85/100, Social: 68/100, Governance: 75/100)

UN Compact

The Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are integral to our business strategy, operations, and organizational structure. We joined the UN Compact in 2024.

Cyber Essentials

We complied fully with the requirements of the Cyber Essentials Scheme.


BREEAM certified our Paris office as Excellent. Our overall score: 77.2%

Our Sustainability Journey

From environmental crises to social justice to improving business resilience, our commitment and expertise uniquely position us to provide pivotal tools and sustainable solutions that strengthen our entire value chain at every phase of our transformation journey.



Creation of a Sustainability team in Paris



Ekimetrics at the 1st Convention des Entreprises pour le Climat


AI4S Offer

Launching our Sustainability Offer


CSR Platform

Launching our internal CSR platform



First in-house Carbon Footprint Assessment



Our unique program "Towards Sustainable Business Performance"


Committed to excellence, driven by a mission

Ekimetrics becomes a purpose-driven company


Climate Q&A

First release of Climate Q&A, a new AI chat tool for environmental issues


Employee Training

100% EKi.People trained on sustainability


Responsible AI Offer

Launching our Responsible AI offer


Science Based Targets

Our net-zero targets are validated

ESG Excellence

Our roadmap to decarbonization

Since 2022, we’ve performed a yearly carbon footprint assessment internally, with a review by an external third party. Each year, we publish our results and set realistic but ambitious goals to progressively reduce and minimize our carbon emissions at both group and local levels by:

  • Managing a global carbon budget for employee business travel.
  • Favoring in-housing whenever possible to limit our use of external services; when we use external services, we prioritize supplier engagement, recognizing that we can’t walk this decarbonization journey alone.
  • Monitoring our footprint from IT services and cloud applications, with in-house dashboards and warning systems.
  • Selecting EPEAT GOLD Climate+ IT equipment.

SBTi validated our targets in 2023 - this gives us a North Star for all our decarbonization activities: 

  • Base year: 2022
  • Near-term target: 2030
    • Absolute Scope 1 + 2 reduction: -42% 
  • Long-term target: 2050
    • Absolute Scope 1 + 2 + 3 reduction: -90%

ESG Report

We released our first ESG report in 2024, using 2023 data and demonstrating our commitment and progress on our sustainability journey.


Mission Committee

Read the audit report (in French) of our first year as a mission-driven company [Rapport de l’Organisme Tiers Independant sur la vérification de l’exécution des objectifs sociaux et environnementaux].


People & Sustainability

Mental and physical well-being are essential to us, with local ambassadors animating fun (but serious) workshops and activities, raising awareness, and creating an authentic culture of learning from one another.

Our CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) engagement can also be seen on Vendredi, a digital platform managed by our local ambassadors, with gamified socio-environmental challenges. The top 3 sustainable development goals of interest to Eki.People are:

  • Environment and biodiversity​
  • Education and equal opportunities​
  • Gender equality​

Sustainability initiatives

We have started our internal journey on Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion and every office celebrates International Women’s Day, International LGBTQIA+ Pride Day, and International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Many local initiatives take place all year long to embrace our diversity.

Diversity & Inclusion workshops

Reflecting on concrete actions on Diversity and Inclusion with a hands-on workshop, animated by Lasana Tunica El in our New York office.

Chinese New Year Celebrations

Celebrating Chinese New Year and learning a few words of Mandarin in our London office

Diversity workshops

Discovering our unconscious gender bias with a neuroscience workshop in our Paris, New York, and London offices.

Earth Day

Celebrating Earth Day with a lunch quiz in our Hong Kong office.

Volunteer Work

Volunteering for a day and restoring oyster reefs on Governors Island in New York.


Celebrating LGBTQIA+ diversity in our Paris office: re-designing our office space, exhibiting artists, learning together with a fun quiz and a documentary projection.

Charity work

Collecting and donating clothes to Refugee Union Charity in Hong Kong.


Volunteering for a day and improving local biodiversity in Holland Park, Central London.

Frequently Asked Questions

Most of our carbon emissions come from purchasing external goods and services (51%) and business air travel (19%). We’re implementing our supplier code of conduct to guarantee the selection of low carbon-intensive providers. We have set a global carbon budget for air travel and every office operates within it. We monitor and report carbon emissions every quarter.

Internally, it implies a constant process of progress and search for excellence in the fields of technology and environmental and social performance. It also means that we embody, individually and at the group level, the values of environmental and social engagement that are part of our mission.

Our purpose and passion have always been to solve our customers’ most strategic questions. Sustainability is the defining issue of our time and challenges us all to approach value creation more holistically. Our expertise in data science and AI makes us uniquely capable of solving these challenges. We’re 100% committed to pursuing the most relevant, integrated, sustainable models for ourselves and our clients.

We set objectives along four dimensions:

- Environment: Reducing our absolute emissions (scopes 1, 2, 3) by 90%, from a 2022 base year, by 2050

- Procurement: Assessing 50% of our suppliers by 2028

- People: 0% incidents and work-related accidents, 0% cases of diversity or inclusion breaches, 100% of employees provided with training and performance reviews annually

- Ethics: 0 cases of bribery, corruption, fraud, or anti-competitive practices

Sustainability for Eki.People is demonstrated:  

- in our company culture and local CSR commitments

- on the job, accelerating our client’s sustainability transformation journey through innovative data science and AI

- by everyone participating in our decarbonization journey, with frugal cloud and AI, limited air travel, and prolonged IT equipment life.

- by learning about climate change on our online Climate School and participating in our mandatory Climate Fresk workshops.

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