Commerce, marketing, HR, finance… machine learning algorithms are used to optimize processes and performance in many fields. As a leader in data science, Ekimetrics deploys the most innovative modeling and optimization solutions to implement your use case more quickly.
To develop the right algorithm for your business
We support you along the whole life cycle of a data product, from PoC to the product itself, from a prototype to an industrial solution, with machine learning. A cycle that goes through several essential steps before becoming operational.
Understanding your business need
A machine learning project is more than starting with a business use case and defining a metric, it is above all having a very precise vision of the best result and of the expected product. Before any production begins, we meet with your business and technical experts and your data teams to plan the project and its challenges; this stage also serves as the data collection and inventory stage (analysis, processing and cleaning existing databases and creating pipelines).
Applying a data-driven evaluation procedure
The machine leaning model is at the heart of your product: we train and test the first models without losing sight of the ideal result identified in the planning phase and define a precise metric.
Industrialization to generate fast results
To implement your use case more quickly, we use our modular and pre-packaged solutions such as the proprietary phase libraries: Demand forecasting, NLP, Time series modeling, Interpretability, etc.
Key skills
Our data science research teams are regularly enriching their expertise with the latest advances in applied artificial intelligence in order to offer our clients the most effective solutions. To achieve this, we heavily invest in our Eki.Lab.
We leverage MLOps to sustain our models and operationalize data science.
Case studies
Thought Leadership
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