The Next Generation of Marketing Mix Modelling & Analytics Capabilities in 2021 | Ekimetrics
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The Next Generation of Marketing Mix Modelling & Analytics Capabilities in 2021

The Next Generation of Marketing Mix Modelling & Analytics Capabilities in 2021

On June 17, Ekimetrics and special guest speaker Forrester discussed the progress of Marketing Mix Modelling in this constantly changing world.

Date : June 17th 2021

Category : Events

Marketing measurement as we know continues to change: more data, but more restrictions; more powerful analytic tools, but less knowledge on how to use them.

Guest Speaker Forrester Principal Analyst, Jim Nail, provided an overview of the state of marketing measurement, new analytic capabilities and techniques, and how, in this world of continuing uncertainty, marketers are driving their brand’s success. Alongside Ekimetrics America’s Partner and Managing Director Adam Rodgers, they discussed and demonstrated how marketers that aren’t yet using advanced measurement, risk falling behind their competitors.

In this session, we covered:

  • What kind of measurement is necessary given the fluctuations in the market and the move to omnichannel?
  • What is the future of Unified Measurement in a cookieless world? How does one build a sustainable and evolving Marketing Mix Optimization capability?
  • How multi-scenario forecast and optimization can still help companies in a very uncertain environment?
  • How to make the best decisions to fit business needs, in an integrated and consistent way?


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